It's Dangerous to Go Alone Take This

It's Dangerous to Go Alone Take This

The Legend of Zelda Walkthrough

It's Dangerous To Become Alone! Have This.

This folio explains what to exercise at the beginning of The Fable of Zelda for the NES.

  • Get Sword
  • Get Bombs
  • Become a Heart Container
  • Get some other Heart Container
  • Get the Letter
  • Get the White Sword
  • Get the Blueish Candle
  • Become Yet Another Heart Container
  • Get the Blue Ring
  • Go to the Kickoff Dungeon
  • Go Sword

    When you first begin the game, you are in an area with a cave nearby. Go into the cave, and the old homo volition tell you "Information technology's dangerous to go alone! Take this." Walk onto the sword to get it. It is automatically equipped to A. When you press A, y'all will stab with the sword, and you volition shoot a sword beam. If your life meter is not full, though, the sword will non shoot sword beams.

    Go Bombs

    Bombs are very useful, and you tin utilize them to help you increase your life meter and get a better weapon before you even become to the commencement dungeon. You can buy bombs at some shops for 20 rupees, BUT, you can likewise get them for complimentary from certain enemies. You tin can find enemies that give bombs if you go north from where you started, then go westward until you find areas that have Blue Octoroks and Blue Moblins. (Detect that you crossed a river on your way in that location.) Get from screen to screen in these areas, killing Bluish Octoroks and Blue Moblins until they go out behind some bombs.

    Get a Middle Container

    A centre container tin exist found by going to the southernmost part of the map, then go east until y'all see some h2o. (If you reach a dead terminate instead of water, find a way to get north, so east, then south when you lot can, and then continue going east.) Bomb the wall in that location to observe a hidden area where y'all tin can choose a slice of heart.

    Get another Center Container

    There is another middle container that y'all can become in the eastern half of the map. Information technology'southward in an area e of the desert. There is a big stone in the center, and there are a agglomeration of jumping Tektites in the area. Bomb the correct one-half of the southern wall of the big rock to observe a hidden cavern. Inside, choose the piece of heart.

    Get the Letter

    If you feel like information technology, yous can become the Alphabetic character to the One-time Woman. If you have it, you can buy life-refilling medicine from an one-time woman who tin be found in caves effectually Hyrule. To get in that location from the location of the middle container described in the previous paragraph, go east, then go past the stairs and go north along the water to the next area, then go east. Get up the stairs and get into the cavern at the end to get the letter. Then go dorsum to where you got the previous eye container.

    Go the White Sword

    Yous tin can get the White Sword as soon as y'all take five middle containers. The White Sword is in the northernmost function of the map, a couple of screens e of center. If you lot just got the heart slice described in the previous paragraph, you can go n upwardly the stairs, then westward twice, and y'all will be in a screen with a waterfall. Go up the stairs and go into the cave in this area. If you lot take 5 heart containers, you lot tin walk onto the sword to pick it up. It replaces the wooden sword and does twice as much damage.

    Get the Blue Candle

    You should also collect rupees until you have 60 rupees. When you exercise, get to one of the easternmost green areas of the map, where at that place is a cave. Go in and buy the Blueish Candle. To go there from where y'all got your outset sword, go northward, and then east, then due north again, and keep going eastward to reach the cave.

    Get Yet Another Heart Container

    In that location is a big body of water in the center of the map, and there is a Center Container that you can get by using the Blue Candle to burn a tree south of the eastern half of that body of water (fifth tree from the right). When you go into the subconscious area, choose the piece of heart.

    Get the Blue Ring

    The Blueish Ring causes enemies to only do half as much damage to you. Y'all can buy it from a shop for 250 rupees. If you don't have enough, then with the Blue Candle, you tin can get a lot of rupees pretty hands. First, if yous go north from where y'all first started the game, then go eastward, yous will become by the southward side of a lake. One screen east of the lake, there are ix trees in the middle. Use the Bluish Candle to burn the ane marked with an X beneath:

                                  O O   O O         O O   O X         O                          

    Then go down the stairs and accept the rupee to get 100 rupees, which the Moblin says is a surreptitious to everybody.

    At present you can become directly west grade there for several screens until you are blocked by a thin row of red trees. Burn the one marked with an X below:

                                  OO OO  10  O  O  O  O OOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO                          

    Become down the stairs to get another 100 rupees.

    Now you accept at to the lowest degree 200 rupees. You demand 250 rupees, and if y'all don't accept enough, you can go north and westward, and so burn the bottom-right tree in the group of viii copse in the middle to go 10 rupees, then you can become due east, due south twice, east, s, and west until you are out of the forest and in a rocky expanse. Bomb the wall to the right of the notch in the wall and become downwardly there to get 30 rupees. If you however don't have plenty, get east until you reach a expressionless-end, and then become w, north, then e until you attain an area with 9 green rocks in the middle. Bomb the due north wall but west of the office that sticks out, then become down and get 30 rupees.

    The store that sells the Blue Ring is in the western half of the map, near the centre. At that place is a big body of water in the centre of the map, and the Blue Ring shop is west of that body of water. The store entrance is secret, though. It'due south hidden under the top-middle statue. Just touch the statue and run away. The statue will come to life and the stairs will appear. Go downwards and walk onto the Blue Band to buy it. When you exit the shop, you lot will be wearing a blue tunic, and enemies volition merely practice half as much damage to you lot every bit they did before.

    Go to the First Dungeon

    As mentioned before, there is a large bounding main in the heart of the map. Go to the east side of this body of water and yous volition find a bridge. Go across it and you will reach Dungeon one: Eagle.

    It's Dangerous to Go Alone Take This

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